A Boolean function is a relationship between variables that can take on one of two values,
A greater gain is that the spatial configuration of cubes shows how particular functions can be simplified further. Cubes with faces and edges that touch can be simplified. The
The article Symmetry in Boolean Functions with Examples for Two and Three Variables includes a discussion of these structures, with emphasis on the 256 varieties of three-variable Boolean functions.
2D Boolean Cubes
Here are the sixteen Boolean cubes for two variables.
There are four varieties and their reflections. Reflections of the zero- and one-face varieties are also rotations. For comparison here are the sixteen Venn diagrams for two variables.
The position of each Boolean cube corresponds to the same position in the Venn diagrams. However the rotational symmetries are lost. For comparison, here are the sixteen parens forms for two variables, in corresponding locations.
Again the structural emphases change. bounding does not align with reflections, parens nesting does not align with faces or spaces. Each of these different organizational approaches highlights different aspects of the same abstract Boolean two-variable structure. None correspond to the group theoretic organization of two-variable Boolean functions as a complemented, distributed lattice in 4-space.
3D Boolean Cubes
There are the 256 Boolean cubes for three variables. These cubes can be represented as three-dimensional objects. When symmetries and reflections are ignored, the 256 varieties reduce to the fourteen shown below. Each of these configurations is labeled by the parens structure that identifies them.
This page is under construction, July 2013